[CQ-Contest] VP5FXB Operators Needed

Geoff Howard ghoward at kent.edu
Fri Jan 9 11:00:07 EST 1998

Just a reminder that the Al Slater Memorial VP5FXB multi-multi team for
ARRL CW DX is still soliciting for one or two more operators.

Please have a look at our trip-planning WWW site at
http://asgard.kent.edu/ccc/vp5fxb/vp5fxb.htm for more information. 

You can contact Geoff, W0CG (ghoward at kent.edu) or Goose, W8AV
(W8AV at aol.com) with your questions. 

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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