[CQ-Contest] CW QSY Format Proposal

PaulKB8N PaulKB8N at aol.com
Sun Jan 11 06:33:17 EST 1998


After not-so-successfully attempting to move stations to different bands
during NAQP this weekend, it occurred to me that the present system is awkward
on CW.  If we could come up with an abbreviated system for moving stations and
applied it universally, it could save time and increase scores.  Here are a
couple of proposed systems:

Number the bands from 1 to 6, with 1 being 160M and 6 being 10M.  use the
character R as the decimal point, followed by a two or three digit KHZ
frequency.  QSY 6R33? would mean can you move to 10M, 28033?  QSY 3R44 would
mean move to 40M, 7044.  New twist:  QSY 5RXX would mean to move to 15M, but
the same frequency in KHz as is currently showing on the present band.  You
are working a station on 7044.5 KHz and ask the station to QSY 5Rxx, he would
move to 21044.5.  An abbreviated question about moving to another band might
be QSY6??, meaning move to 10M?? 

An alternative system that could also be used on phone would be to use an
alphanumeric, with bands being from A to F.  QSYA12 would mean QSY to 1812.
QSYF115 would mean 28115.

An added twist:  I'm sure Tree could program TR log so that either system
typed in the call window would move the the radio to the appropriate

This system would be great for worldwide use, and could quickly become a
standard if we choose to make it so.  Might also be a good place to use cut
numbers.  I appreciate any thoughts.  Just about any system would be better
than we're using now!  The NAQP contest might be a great forum for testing
this system. Whatsay? 

73, Paul, KB8N

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