[CQ-Contest] Contests on 30, 17, or 12

Egbert Hertsen egbert.hertsen at pandora.be
Tue Jan 13 11:16:39 EST 1998

DavidHarper at tx.slr.com wrote:

> A QRZ-DX newsletter a few months ago reminded readers that there is a
> plaque available, I believe called WARC-500, for working 500 countries
> on any combination of the WARC bands, and with no QSL's required.  I
> don't recall off-hand the individual that is sponsoring this award, but
> it shouldn't be too hard to find out.

The manager for this plaque is K3FN, James E. Mackey, P.O. Box 270569,
West Harftford, CT 06127-0569
(Courtesy of K1BV Award Directory)

73 de Egbert ON4CAS / N1TOI
AX25:    ON4CAS at ON7RC
e-mail:  egbert.hertsen at pandora.be
URL:     http://users.pandora.be/egbert.hertsen/index.htm

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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