[CQ-Contest] Re: GRAY LINE MAP

CT1BOH - Jose Carlos Cardoso Nunes ct1boh at mail.telepac.pt
Fri Jan 16 20:11:07 EST 1998


you can create great circle map with gray line for any time any date. It's
not exaclty real time but close.
At P40E CQWW CW I draw 24 of these maps, 1 per hour, and with all the
DXPeditions as red dots.
This kept my mind alert for the importance of turning the beam for them
around their SS/SS and MID DAY, and it really worked. I had the better
Multiplier of the top 5 SOAB.
It's amazingly easy how DX pops up when they are supposed to...
Best 73
Jose - CT1BOH
ct1boh at mail.telepac.pt

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