[CQ-Contest] NAQP-a different view

W1HIJ--Bill W1HIJ at contesting.com
Tue Jan 20 06:35:27 EST 1998

Hi Gang,

Well, since the inevitable thread of rule changes for NAQP is now in full
swing, here's another opinion for the pot....

The advent of single op/two (or more) radio stations and operators has made
a fundamental change to the "levelness" of the playing field. I think that
we should consider a revision to classes which takes that change into
account.  So I'd propose the following classes:

1. Single op/one radio (power to stay the same as it exists now)

2. Single op/multi radios (two or more). (same power limits)

3. Multi op/multi radios. (same power limits)

The benefits are that  "station" capabilities would be essentially equal
within a class (not counting antenna farms and local geography which are
not subject to instant change anyway); a premium is placed on operator
skills; comparison between stations is made easier. (yeah I know, we all
compete just against our own past performance... yeah, right!)

I honestly can't think of any serious disadvantages....

What do y'all think???

Bill, W1HIJ
Newport Beach, CA, DM13bo
Newport Beach RACES (ass't R/O)

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