[CQ-Contest] Re: Gray Line Map on MACINTOSH

TK5NN Patrick Bittiger tk5nn at club-internet.fr
Wed Jan 21 01:07:27 EST 1998

 NT5C at easy.com (John Warren) wrote (18/01/98 4:45) :

>Subject: [CQ-Contest] Gray Line Map
>Seems I was mistaken. Think I had Geoclock confused with Geochron (the wall
>map), which is of course a regular Mercator projection. Anyway, the
>optional ham version of Geoclock software apparently comes with a great
>circle map for a specified location - which is the way it should be.
>Next question (and I'll bet I know the answer already): Is there a MAC
>version? Or do I finally have to break down and buy a cheap Wintel machine!
>(To minimize BW, suggest you mail the Reflector only if there IS a MAC
>Thanks everyone,
>John, NT5C.

Hi John,

The best Gray Line Map program for the Mac is called 'SunTimer' by HB9CEY
(author of MacContest too).
It is a shareware ($5 or $10 but I don't remember exactly) that I'm using
before (list printed) and during the contest. It is very nice for only
165 KO !. You can see the gray line map, opening windows in real time,
bearing, distances... and you can edit some interesting list of SR/SS...
for different locations and/or different dates.

I don't know HB9CEY e-mail adress (does he get any ?) but you can write
to : Gerald Eberle, Box 13, CH-4417 Ziefen, Switzerland.

Good luck and 73, TK5NN Patrick
tk5nn at club-internet.fr

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