[CQ-Contest] NAQP-a different DIFFERENT view on the 2 radio thang

k4oj k4oj at ij.net
Tue Jan 20 23:31:55 EST 1998


Not the issue....

If you are one set of gray cells and you are attacking a contest within the
restrictions of your license and you are abiding by the rules and spirit of
the contest 


you teach yourself to make more contacts in the contest by more efficiently
using your on time.....doing this by not wasting time listening to your
automatically generated CQs...but instead listening to exchanges for the
competitor... you have brought your level of gray cell function up a
notch...THIS IS WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT! Your main competition is
YOURSELF...whenever you stray from that you lose sight of the real
goal....the one that brings self satisfaction, you never have to make
excuses to yourself!

If your beef is a monetary one then I suggest the following...if you like
ssb and a fellow club member likes cw contesting - you BOTH do the two
radio thang, borrowing each others rig on the appropriate
weekend....antennas are not as major an issue here....on your S&P station a
LOT of guys have trap verticals and wires....you are calling other guys not
acting as a beacon on your second rig.

Leave the money angle out of it....if you want to do two radio go for it,
you can find a way....


Don't tell those of us that have gotten more mileage out of our gray cells
during contest time that YOU ARE DISCRIMNINATED AGAINST!

Sorry...dis one don't fly

How do the FRC guys say it:

....Proficiency Through Competition

k4oj, ex: Bubba

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