[CQ-Contest] East coast vs. West coast

Bill Fisher - W4AN w4an at contesting.com
Thu Jan 29 16:22:07 EST 1998

On Thu, 29 Jan 1998, Kirk H Pengelly wrote:

> Watching this debate, I've yet to see anyone say that they would pull up
> stakes and move to the upper mid-west (ie: RF's Black hole). 

Yep.  No doubt the closer you get to WB0O, the worse chance you have in 
doing well in a DX contest.  I think everyone here, with a few clueless 
exceptions, understand this fact.  

Personally I marvel at the acomplishments of guys like W9JA, W9RE, N2IC 
& other midwesterners who continue to brave the all band categories and 
still manage to make a box.  

Kudos to the contest organizers of the CQWW and ARRL DX for breaking out 
geographic areas in the writeups.  In my estimation, the winner of Zone 
5 should get no more attention than the winner for Zone 3.  We should 
all be as impressed with N6IG's zone 3 win as we are with K1AR's zone 5 
win for CQWW.


Bill, W4AN

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