[CQ-Contest] East coast vs. West coast and normalcy

W3CF at aol.com W3CF at aol.com
Fri Jan 30 17:51:28 EST 1998

In a message dated 98-01-30 17:08:10 EST, kk7gw at hotmail.com writes:

<< he problem is finding a contest weekend 
 to go down there and show my parents that contesters are good and normal 
 people. >>

Hmmmmm.....somehow I don't think so.........Good yes....normal???? Not a

Think about what your neighbors see on your property on a daily basis....

Godawful big steel thingamajig with a BIG antenna on it that whirls left then
then left then right at the wierdest times. Every once in a while the owner is
hanging off it by some kinda belt with big hooks on it with a full compliment
of tools being lowered up and down the tower on the pulley that also holds a
big long wire or two.

Copper stakes are placed strategically around the yard with wires running in
every direction....Some have even been seen cutting slits in the grass with
the edger blade and stuffing wires in there.....

Owners car has antennas everywhere and sometimes he forgets to turn  the
radios off that they are attached to...Two O'Clock in the morning and the
thing is still sqawking with some kind of robot voice that says the same
letters and numbers over and over and then beeps like crazy.

We see the owners wife all the time but the owner himself seems a recluse.
Occasionally you can hear him yelling the same set of numbers and letters that
he has on his license plate at the top of his lungs while cursing softly under
his breath..usually the antenna is whirling feverishly at this point.

Owner always bringing home some piece of relic that the lady of the house had
no idea he was bringing home....Big boxes are $49.95 and small boxes are
Have seen the lady throwing some of those same items out in the trash several
months later....

Normal people........don't think we could convince a jury of that....

But God do we have fun!!

73 es DX  de  Doug W3CF  // V26DX

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