[CQ-Contest] Re: Has the contest ended yet?

W2CE W2CE at prodigy.net
Wed Jul 1 12:43:44 EDT 1998

> But the log was corrected after the contest.  And I don't remember a huge
> discussion about whether or not that should be allowed.  The log wasn't in
> the top ten, but suppose it had been?
> 73 de Dick, K6KR

Actually I would consider the log RETRIEVED rather than corrected.

It was not not "corrected" in the sense of altering its contents but
merely the stored data found and made useable again. 

What surprises me is that the debate has ranged so far off the initial
comments as to find flaws in the use of Super Check Partial and other
technical features developed by contesters.  This is just an ongoing
evolution of radio technology and a process available to everyone
wanting to use it.  I believe the unenforcable packet assistance falls
into a similar area.  It is a "tool" available to almost everyone. 
Others can link via Telnet in remote areas.

The massaging of a persons logs by himself for obvious errors is fine
with me.  We've all looked over logs before.  Certainly the days of
logging on paper then typing them into a computer for dupe checking was
post event, but ones own operation.

The idea of comparing logs and busted callsigns with other club members
before submitting the log is where the question of post contest
additional help comes into question.  This is past the SCP database, but
a compilation of several operators records of the actual contest in
question.  The SCP is not a complete accurate database and close
variations of callsigns are often found.

This Field Day I worked 2 stations   KB4O?O  and another  KB4O?O  on 10
meters back to back, obviously different stations, even though they were
both in NC.  I wonder what SCP would have on these callsigns or what a
log checker would assume of a missed typed call that should have been a

Lots of new callsigns appear every day, more new contesters appear, or
just people looking to take advantage of the increased activity.

You still have to accurately copy the callsign yourself, regardless of
what hints a computer can give you.

       73, Bob, W2CE


   Robert Reed, W2CE                        W2CE at prodigy.net
   1991 Route 37 West - Lot 109             W2CE at aol.com
   Toms River, New Jersey  08757


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