[CQ-Contest] Has the contest ended?

Bill Fisher - W4AN w4an at contesting.com
Thu Jul 2 09:02:53 EDT 1998

Let me try to refocus this discussion.  

1.  Is it OK to tape record the contest and play it back after the 
contest (before sending in the log) to correct copying mistakes during 
the contest?

2.  Is it OK to gather a bunch of logs of say other club members, stick 
them in to a database, and generate information about the logs before 
they are sent in to the sponsor?

These two questions are the essence of my original post.  

I personally don't do anything to the log after the contest, but have no 
problem with people who look for typos and other tangents that were 
brought up here recently.  I do have a problem with #1 and #2.


Bill, W4AN

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