[CQ-Contest] pot contest log correcting--redesign the contest

Patrick Collins pcollins at freenet.columbus.oh.us
Thu Jul 2 14:23:17 EDT 1998

On Thu, 2 Jul 1998, W. Wright, W5XD wrote:

> 2. Any QSO that is not identical in BOTH logs 
> is lost in BOTH logs.
Also, throw out all unique contacts unless a log is received verifying the
contact.  So what if AA1AAA thinks he/she/they worked S0NY on 160 if no one
else worked it and their is no proof that a contact really took place.

Yea, it might stop S0NY from getting on, but if the contact is unique then
how can you tell if it is valid.

On that point maybe just throw out all contacts where their is no log. 
This would really level the playing field.  

Pat Collins K8LidRadio

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