[CQ-Contest] US/VE IARU zones...

Ronald D Rossi rrossi at btv.ibm.com
Fri Jul 10 13:20:40 EDT 1998


Here is the table I used to coach some stations last year. I know this is not 
perfect, but it will help a casual station figure out where they are in the 
ITU scheme of things about 99% of the time. I figure the more folks that are 
able to coach the casuals the less I'll have to do it :) The "notes" section 
will help with the split states giving the zone of major pop centers and some 
of the towns that walk the line. It prints out on one page just right.

I hope this is helpful to some. GL this weekend!

73 de KK1L...ron (rrossi at btv.ibm.com) <><
QTH: Swanton, Vermont
My page: http://www.together.net/~larossi/kk1l.html
My wife's page: http://www.together.net/~larossi

ITU Zone Listing per State or Canadian Province

08   Alabama                  | 01   KL7       Alaska (West of 141 Deg. W.)
06   Arizona west of 110 W.   | 02   KL7       Alaska (East of 141 Deg. W.)
07   Arizona East of 110 W.   |
07   Arkansas west of 90 W.   | 02   VE6,7,VY1 Canada (South of 80 Deg. N. and
08   Arkansas east of 90 W.   |                West of 110 Deg. W.)
06   California               |
07   Colorado                 | 03   VE3,4,5,8 Canada (South of 80 Deg. N. and
08   Connecticut              |                between 90 Deg. and 110 Deg. W.)
08   Delaware                 |
08   Florida                  | 04   VE2,3,4,8 Canada (South of 80 Deg. N. and
08   Georgia                  |                between 70 Deg. and 90 Deg. W.
06   Idaho                    |                including Baffin Isl.)
07   Illinois west of 90 W.   |
08   Illinois east of 90 W.   | 09   FP        St. Pierre et Miquelon
08   Indiana                  |      VE1,2,8
07   Iowa                     |      VY2,VO2   Canada (South of 80 Deg. N.
07   Kansas                   |                  East of 70 Deg. W. including
08   Kentucky                 |                  Labrador Newfoundland Nova
07   Louisiana west of 90 W.  |                  Scotia but excluding Baffin
08   Louisiana east of 90 W.  |                  Isl.)
08   Maine                    | 75   VE8       Canada (80  N. to 90  N.
08   Maryland                 |                  North Pole)
08   Massachusetts
07   Michigan west of 90 W.     *** NOTES: *** (lower zone %/higher zone %)
08   Michigan east of 90 W.     Arizona: SierraVista,Benson,Holbrook,
07   Minnesota                  (60/40)  ShowLow,Tuscon,Phoenix,Flagstaff = 06
07   Mississippi west of 90 W.
08   Mississippi east of 90 W.  Arkansas: "near Osceola" = 08
07   Missouri west of 90 W.     (99/1)    99% = 07
08   Missouri east of 90 W.
06   Montana west of 110 W.     Illinois: Springfield,Peoria&East = 08
08   N. Carolina                (60/40)   Chicago = 08
07   N. Dakota
07   Nebraska                   Louisiana: NewOrleans near Chaimette = 08
06   Nevada                     (95/5)     NewOrleans near Metaire&West = 07
07   New Mexico                            95% = 07
08   New Hampshire
08   New Jersey                 Michigan: UpperPeninsula = 08
08   New York                             except Ironwood = 07
08   Ohio                                 100% LowerPeninsula = 08
07   Oklahoma
06   Oregon                     Mississippi: Jackson = 07 (East of = 08)
08   Pennsylvania                            Grenada = 08 (West of = 07)
08   Rhode Island
08   S. Carolina                Missouri: I55 S of Louisville = 08
07   S. Dakota                  (95/5)    95% = 07
07   Tennessee west of 90 W.
08   Tennessee east of 90 W.    Montana: GreatFalls,Bozeman = 06
07   Texas                               Billings = 07
06   Utah west of 110 W.
07   Utah East of 110 W.        Tennessee: Memphis near river = 07
08   Vermont                    (5/95)   95% = 08
08   Virginia
06   Washington                 Utah: Vernal,West of Roosevelt = 07
08   West Virginia                    East of Roosevelt = 08
07   Wisconsin west of 90 W.
08   Wisconsin east of 90 W.    Wisconsin: LaCrosse,EauClaire = 07
07   Wyoming                               Wasau,Madison,Millwaukee = 08

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