[CQ-Contest] signing calls-other side

Tine Brajnik Tine.Brajnik at GUEST.ARNES.SI
Thu Jul 23 10:49:07 EDT 1998

HI fellows,

signing calls after each qso will benefit to caller if you look at the
situation from "the other side". I myself and many other EUs are very
unhappy when stations does not sign their call for some time. Every second
that we have to wait gone. And as you guys want to save some time everyone
else would like to do likewise. Must say that like  technique of John K4BAI.

Believe me that sitting behind the station waiting to get the call of
someone whom you do not know who is it, is not very nice.

CU in pile ups,

73    Tine
                                                Tine Brajnik

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