Jim Kehler kh2d at kuentos.guam.net
Sat Jul 25 05:21:49 EDT 1998

Well, Dave, I send TU KH2D - because I want to thank the station I
just worked for sitting in the pileup and working me, or for answering
my CQ, and it tends to be a better 'terminator' for the QSO, and lets 
eveybody esle know I am waiting for the next call. 

I have been reading this discussion with interest, but I think in some
ways it reminds me of the turtle and the hare story.

Granted, not sending a call sign saves me about 3 seconds. During
the last two contests there have been times when I can look at the
'rate meter' on the screen and I am over 200 Q's an hour - and 
thats WITH 'TU KH2D' at the end of every contact.  It never lasts
for more than 15 minutes, but it gets that high.

At the end of the contest, it always averages out to 50 or so Q's 
an hour. So saving 3 seconds during the 'busy season' really won't
buy me much - my problem is with my location and squirt gun 
antenna, I run out of people to work.  A contest is over here after 
24 hours - even at the peak of the last cycle, the first 24 hours was 
always good for 75% of the contacts in any contest.  

One thing I have noticed that really seems to get me a few more 
contacts during the last few hours of a contest is to become as 
inefficient as I can - I slow the keyer down to 15 or 16 WPM, send
a little sloppy, and give everybody who calls me a GE and a 73 TNX
at the end of the contact.  A lot of people call and give me 001 - I 
honestly think less would call if was sitting here rapping out 
TEST KH2D at 35 WPM.....

73, Jim KH2D
Mariana Islands DX Association - http://www.guam.net/pub/midxa/
Home Page - http://www.qsl.net/kh2d

-----Original Message-----
From:	Dave Lawley [SMTP:g4buo at compuserve.com]
Sent:	Thursday, July 23, 1998 10:23 PM
To:	Reflector
Subject:	Re: [CQ-Contest] SIGNING CALLS

I agree that on the whole, it is better to sign your call after each QSO.
Few would disagree that the strategies suggested by Dick N6AA can
help to squeeze a few more Qs, or some more valuable Qs, out of the
pileup. What we all object to are the imbeciles that 'run' for minutes on
end without signing their calls. IMHO they deserve all they get in terms 
of dups and UR CALL? slowing them down.

Does anyone know why so many people send TU ? Maybe you think it
is more polite than R but it takes a bit longer to send, and what we're
talking about here is efficiency in making Qs. I catch myself sending
TU sometimes, but only because everyone else seems to do it. When
I am concentrating on running a pileup (a rare enough thing from 
G-land) I use  R  or if the pile gets really busy, just send my callsign as
the invitation for the next call.

Dave G4BUO

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Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

>From Guy Olinger, K2AV" <k2av at qsl.net  Sat Jul 25 05:48:06 1998
From: Guy Olinger, K2AV" <k2av at qsl.net (Guy Olinger, K2AV)
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 00:48:06 -0400
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT 1000MP HELP!
Message-ID: <003101bdb787$6abbc340$3ae1fea9 at guy>

Return "Shift", "Width", and "Contour" to their 12 noon positions. They all
have a detent at that point, and are all on the right side of the rig. See
if menu 4-5, A1-bpf setting is down to 60 hz. I leave it at 240.

73, Guy

-----Original Message-----
From: Monte Stark <ku7y at dri.edu>
To: CQ-Contest at contesting.com <CQ-Contest at contesting.com>
Date: Friday, July 24, 1998 9:12 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT 1000MP HELP!

>Hi All,
>Grandkids + 1000MP + Alone + Broke!
>Somehow one of the little darlings managed to twist knobs
>and push buttons on the rig and I can't get it back to
>I have done the Power-on Setting restarts but that doesn't
>seem to do the job.
>Here is the problem.....
>Everything seems OK but the main RX. Main RX will work FB
>in 6.0K and 2.4K positions but when you go to the 500 width
>it sounds like you have just kicked in a very, very narrow
>xtal filter or audio filter. Lots of ringing and so
>narrow that you have a very hard time getting a sig tuned
>to hear it.
>I have the extra 250 kz filter in the 8.2 MHz side and have
>turned it on and off with no change.
>Does anyone have any ideas? (It took me 15 min to find the
>squelch control all the way up!)
>2nd RX works just fine.
>73, Ron,     SOWP 5545M,
>.........KU7Y.....ARCI #8829.....Monte "Ron" Stark.....
>....ku7y at sage.dri.edu...........Washoe Lake, Nevada....
>....QRP-L #17...ARS #49...NorCal #330.....NRA LIFE.....
>CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
>Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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