[CQ-Contest] Code speed=Good contester??

Art & Linda Hubert n2au at lightlink.com
Sat Jul 25 02:01:54 EDT 1998

I read the latest postings that state if one is licensed at 13 wpm vs 20 
wpm, it will automatically relegate you to a second class  CW contest 
operator.  For those of us who have been in the contest arena for many 
years, we take this statement for what it is worth...pure Horse-Puckey, 
 When I came into the contest scene in 1960, we had such cw-contesters 
as: W9IOP, W4KFC, W9SZR, W9WNV, K2KIR, K2KTK, and countless others.  
These operators were outstanding CW men and would be so and some still 
are by today's standards, guess what??  They all took their general 
class license exam at 13 WPM.  There are many VE contesters who are 
excellent CW contesters, but they didn't pass a 20 WPM code exam, so I 
guess they are as good as I thought.
Passing a 20 wpm cw exam doesn't magically make you a top-notch contest 
operator.  If it did, then every CW contest record holder should be an 
American. Or could it be that each individual operator determines his 
potential and NOT a 20 WPM exam???


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