Spencer Lazar slazar19 at sgi.net
Sat Jul 25 16:14:26 EDT 1998


It's really the human element which improves the scores over a
contesting career. I never want to sound like, look like, or be
a contest bot.

Most of my operating for the last several years have been domestic
contests multi-oping with W3GH. At our advanced ages, if we can
remember your name, we will answer you by name. (Hell, I hope I
can remember your call!) We look forward to working old friends
contest after contest and making new friends to work in future

The rate is really controlled by the guys who are calling you,
not by any slick, efficient bot contesting. I think many of our
contacts is guys who want to work us versus needing to work us.

SSB Contests: Nice to see hear you again, really great signal,
thanks for the points, thanks for the qsl, see you at Dayton,
thanks for stopping by, keep it up you're doing great!

CW Contests: r tu, r 73, r gl, Thanks (name), 73 (name), cul (name),
gm (name).

These things may slow us down a tad and has never cost us a contest,
but has always increased our rate in the next contest. If it did
cost us a contest we wouldn't give a bleep. 

If you don't want to sign your call, the message to me is that you
care more about yourself and your score. You're telling me that you
don't give a hoot or respect any of us who are calling you.

One nice thing about operating with W3GH, he answers his qsl's,
he replys with quality cards fit to be proudly displayed on all
those newbee walls.

We like working you in contests, we don't like working contests.

Leo Durocher (spelling?) was wrong, ask Vic Clark.

dr. Bafoofnik

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Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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