[CQ-Contest] NJ QSO Party 8/16/98

W2CE W2CE at prodigy.net
Mon Jul 27 00:49:12 EDT 1998


     The Englewood Amateur Radio Association, Inc. invites all
amateurs the world over to take part in the 39th Annual New
Jersey QSO Party.  All clubs are encouraged to reprint the rules
in their newsletters and announce the upcoming event at their
meetings and on their nets.  The rules are simple:

     1.   The time of the contest is from 2000 UTC Saturday,
     August 16 to 0200 UTC Monday August 17.

     2.   Phone and CW are considered the same contest.  A
     station may be contacted once on each band-phone and CW are
     considered separate bands and CW contacts may not be made in
     phone band segments.  New Jersey stations may work other New
     Jersey stations.

     3.   General call is "CQ New Jersey" or "CQ NJ."  New Jersey
     stations are requested to identify themselves by signing "DE
     NJ" on CW and "New Jersey Calling" on phone.  Suggested
     frequencies are 1810, 3535, 3950, 7035, 7135, 7235, 14035,
     14285, 21100, 21355, 28100, 28400, 50-50.5 and 144-146.
     Suggested phone activity on the even hours, 15/10 meters on
     the odd hours (1500 to 2100 UTC); 160 meters at 0500 UTC

     4.   Exchange consists of QSO number, RST, and QTH (state,
     province, or country).  NJ stations will send their county.

     5.   Scoring: Out-of-State stations multiply number of
     complete contacts with New Jersey stations times 3 points
     per QSO times the number of New Jersey counties worked
     (maximum 21).  New Jersey stations multiply number of
     complete contacts times 3 points per QSO times the
     multiplier.  The multiplier is the sum of the number of
     states (other than NJ), Canadian Provinces, and the NJ
     Counties worked -- maximum is 49+12+21=82.

     6.   Certificates will be awarded to the first place station
     in each New Jersey county, state province, and country.  In
     addition, a second place certificate will be awarded when
     four or more logs are received.  Novice, Technician, and
     mobile operator certificates may also be given.  A total of
     four plaques have been donated by the ARRL NNJ Section
     Manager Roy Edwards, AB2RE, and SNJ Section Manager Jean
     Priestley, KA2YKN, to the highest scoring single operator
     station residing in each of their sections (separate plaques
     may be awarded for Novice/Technician and all other classes).

     7.   Logs must also show the UTC date and time, QSO
     exchange, band, emission, and be received not later than
     September 12, 1998.  The first contact for each claimed
     multiplier must be indicated and numbered and a check list
     of contacts and multipliers should be included.  Multi-
     operator stations should be noted and calls of participating
     operators listed.  Logs and comments should be sent to:

            Englewood Amateur Radio Association, Inc.
                           P O Box 528
                    Englewood, NJ  07631-0528

     A #10 size SASE should be included for results.

     8.   Stations planning active participation in New Jersey
     are requested to advise EARA by August 1 of your intentions
     so that we may plan for full coverage from all counties.
     Portable and mobile operation is encouraged.  We are hoping
     to encourage record participation this year.  Questions
     about the contest should be directed to Dave Popkin, W2CC,
     via e-mail at w2cc at idt.net.

       73, Bob, W2CE


   Robert Reed, W2CE                        W2CE at prodigy.net
   1991 Route 37 West - Lot 109             W2CE at aol.com
   Toms River, New Jersey  08757


CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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