[CQ-Contest] Announcing: Watch-a-Contest live on Internet

DL6FBL [Ben] dl6fbl at boc.de
Fri Jul 31 21:59:32 EDT 1998

This is Ben, DL6FBL.
If you like contest and fun, you may like the following:

 Announcing: Watch-a-Contest live on Internet

Pure fun: A WebCamera in the shack !

Let's try something *NEW*. I dunno, if anybody else
ever did it before - but we do it now:
Go to the "zoo" and watch some mad contesters doing
their crazy work - online and on the air. Feed the
wild animals (give 'em points) and watch how they react. 

When? August 8 (0000 UTC) ... August 9 (2400 UTC)
[during WAE = Worked All Europe DX Contest CW]

--> Call: *DA0FF* (at DL6FBL's QTH)
You can see DJ9MH (Hajo), DL1MFL (Markus), DL2CC (Frank),
DL2ZAV (Udo), DL4NAC (Martin), DL6FBL (Ben) and some
other young SWLs/computer kids.

1.	Find us on the air. Try +/- 3507, 7007, 7033,
   14007, 14033, 21007, 21033, 28007, 28033 kHz.
2.	Get on the internet and point your browser
   at http://www.boc.de.
3.	For live video, choose "Server push" or "Java image".
4.	Watch us for a while...
5.	If you are not in Europe - call in and work us.
   (Sorry, no EU-to-EU contacts allowed)
6.	If you are online, sign "WEB" after your report
   (like '599 001 WEB').
7.	The crew will do funny things you can watch on the web.
8.	Send us an Email and tell us what you think about
   our crazy team (mailto:dl6fbl at boc.de)

> If you like our show - tell others to join the fun
  (...your local packet cluster?).
> If you don't find us at once, but don't want to miss
  the fun: we display our current CQ frequency on the web.
> Wonder, why all those Europeans in WAE ask you: "QTC?"
  Find the answer on our web page and save QTCs for us !

Any comments (before and after the contest) are welcome:
mailto:dl6fbl at boc.de. Thanks for your patience.

73 de Ben

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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