[CQ-Contest] SARTG RTTY Contest

Tom Wylie wylie at scotsboy.sol.co.uk
Sat Jul 18 08:30:37 EDT 1998

I just found RTTY last Wednesday.   I cobbled together a program and tried
to fix the memories so that I cud sent the information in an orderly
dashion  hihi.     Apologies to those contacts I screwed up.    I made 156
QSOs before screwing up the software which reset the serial numbers nack to
zero - so I quit......

But you know what - I had FUN!    I found it stressful in the extreme.   I
managed to run a pileup on RTTY?????    I learned more about RTTY in that
time than ever I knew before, AND I had fun..

So look out WF1B - I'm a coming looking for you.    Once I get some decent

73 and thanks for your patience

de tom

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