[CQ-Contest] The Big Gun Journal, Vol. 2 :-)
henrypol2 at juno.com
henrypol2 at juno.com
Tue Mar 31 20:21:17 EST 1998
Just delivered by a certified part-time UPS person, the latest edition of
the Big Gun Journal, Vol. 2.
Well, ... W4QRO has done it again! With some recent late night help from
several ex-White House interns, W4QRO has turned out another great
journal fitting for any big gun contester. And just in case you have not
succeeded in getting the DNC to accept your subscription renewal, copies
will be available at the ex-intern-manned (personned?) booth at Dayton
this May.
OK, so what do we have here....
Front cover photo of a northeastern US contester's heavily-iced tower and
antenna with the caption - "Need A Defroster?"
Feature Articles:
Defrost that Antenna System - Build an Italian 300-Watt Amplifier
Increasing Contest Rate - Use of High-Speed CW Identifier During Phone
Contests (no more need to waste time voice IDing)
Measuring Antenna Gain, dBa's to dBz's
Announcing - BGJ's "Contesters Hall of Shame" (based on UBN numbers)
Modifying Antennas, Part II - Turn That X7 or X9 into a C3 (again, no
extra parts to buy, and improved methods for converting tubing to rivets)
Regular Columns:
Editorial - Evading the Reflector Topic Police
Op-Ed - (1) Technician Versus Technician Plus, The Rest of The Story;
(2) A New Meaning to Multi-Single - 1 Station, 2 Calls, Hmm, Oh What the
Hell, 10 Calls! (use all of your vanity calls in a single contest)
Antennas - (1) Practical Antennas for Contesting on 1750 Meters
(170-190KHz); (2) Making High Power Baluns using 450 Ohm Ladderline
Operating Contests - (1) DC Multiplier SXpedition, Operating from the
White House; (2) El Nino = Fantastic California to Europe Openings, and
the Disappearance of The Black Hole
Towers - (1) Home Depot Plumber's Delight, Build Your Own Low-Loss
High-Power Copper Tubing Coax; (2) Trees Have Feelings Too! (be careful
with that slingshot/bow & arrow)
VHF+ Contesting - EAE, Asteriod Bounce in 2028 (The Future Is Out There,
Centerfold Picture - Old Rigs I Have Owned/Wished I Had Owned (this
issue, military surplus R390A receiver)
Movie Reviews - "The Newington Boys"; "The Man on the Iron Tower"; and
"U.S. Contesters"
Ads: From the US Surgeon General's office - Practice Safe RF, Use a RF
Condom (amazing device that keeps all RF out of the shack). From
Yaecomwood, the FIT-001 - a shirt pocket cell phone that splits open to
reveal a handheld PC with keyboard/LCD screen; CCD camera; FAX and
scanner; a 160M thru 23cM 100 watt all-mode rig; all current contest,
logging, antenna, rotator control, packet, RTTY, and SSTV software
That's all for this Big issue. End :-)
Henry Pollock - K4TMC
Raleigh, NC
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