[CQ-Contest] Any French Contest Stn?

K Tahara, Japan Embassy zs6cax at pta.lia.net
Tue Mar 31 14:58:27 EST 1998

Hi all,

I've just come back from Swaziland for thw WPX.
Enjoyed very much as 10m opened like a bomb explosion.

As I returned home in South Africa, I was told to
go to Paris in May for a conference. I will be arriving
Paris on the morning of 11 May and will be free on
that day.

I wonder if there're any contest stations nearby Paris
where I can possibly see the station? Europe has always
been a "transit place" and I never had an opportunity
to see the station in EU. Please send a mail to myself

Thanks for the bandwidth.


Koji Tahara
Development Attache
Embassy of Japan
P.O. Box 11434
Hatfield 0028
Republic of South Africa
TEL (012) 342-2100 ext 235

zs6cax at pta.lia.net

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

>From seay at alaska.net (Del Seay)  Fri May 29 21:29:48 1998
From: seay at alaska.net (Del Seay) (Del Seay)
Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 13:29:48 -0700
Subject: ARRL's Urgent NEED
References: <Q1AC97BC at washer>
Message-ID: <356F1ABC.3DFE at alaska.net>

Robert Biss wrote:
> Seems to me (as I remember it) the good ole ARRL snuck the NO CODE license
> in on us inspite of all the surveys they took of the HAM Community telling
> them we didn't want it....They also did the renewable novice thing....One
> never really knows the value of something when it is given to them!!!!   (ETC,ETC)

Didn't happen that way, Robert. And at this point, finger pointing isn't going
to help us.

I just returned from a symposium where spectrum usage was discussed at length.
The spectrum auctioning was a nasty bit of action that started all of the latest
nonsense. The Feds received multi billions of dollars for the first stage of the
auctioning. Couple that with the success of user relocation for the PCS, and
you can readily see the politcal community has their hand the in hog trough again.

Let's make a couple of assumptions, then maybe the whole picture becomes a bit
   a)   Technology and spectrum needs continue at present rate.
   b)   Other governments see the resource as ours has, and takes
        the same route.

The government knows the amateur community has a strong lobby in the form of
the ARRL. They also are aware that loss of the vhf and above frequencies would
cause a heck of a stir. So - the answer is to eliminate the code requirement
on hf, thereby relocating all the no-coders to those frequencies.
The 2 meter band alone is probably worth a billion (with a "B"). We have
a wealth of valuable spectrum virtually unused that would be of great value to
other services, who are willing to pay.

The concensus is that we will lose all frequencies above 450 mHz during the next 
2-3 years, and then the next step will start into the vhf and uhf realm.

All this is going to happen unless we can get the Congress to put a stop. But --
who the heck runs the auctions and receives the proceeds? Durn, I think it's
the Congress.
de KL7HF

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