[CQ-Contest] Logging "QRP, or Mobile" contacts

H. L. Serra hlserra at pwa.acusd.edu
Tue Mar 3 18:25:33 EST 1998

Dale's point is well taken about the inability of the DX station to
CONFIRM that a station it works was, in fact, QRP, or mobile, or anything
else not verifiable by the DX op.  

I'll go one step further: From having operated from contest stations, (DX
and domestic) which have worked boocoo contest CW QSOs, I can CONFIRM that
signing "/QRP" after your call DIMINISHES the chance that you will be
heard in a run pile up, and throws off the rythmn of the contest station's
run. The running contest op is expecting a straight callsign, or a
significant multiplier-indicating suffix or prefix (e.g.,"/ZS1" or
"ZS1/"). So he struggles to copy and log "/QRP,"  which has no contest
significance, busts his pile up run rythmn, takes much longer to copy,
log, and then to erase in a logging program which may not accept the
non-multiplier suffix. 
So, QRPers-- JUST SEND YOUR CALL to contest run stations, and lose the
"/QRP." Believe me, if we can hear you, we will work you.

TNX es 73, 
Larry N6NC (for 6E2L, 6E2T, XE2L contest team)

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