[CQ-Contest] Logging "QRP, or Mobile" contacts

Monte Stark ku7y at dri.edu
Tue Mar 3 20:27:40 EST 1998

Hi Larry and all,

Maybe I misunderstood stood..

I don't use /qrp in contests very often. Now and then when calling CQ
just to let someone know why I might be weak and that they really can
work me! But not when S&Ping. Wastes too much time! If anyone wants to
check my power level, they can look in the scores when they come out.

So, for contests I agree with you.

But I was talking about DX stations just working pile ups.

I have been told that the ARRL requires the QRP to be shown after the
call on cards for WAS. (I have not checked this out for myself). If it's
true, how do we get it there?

DXCC doesn't matter because the ARRL will not endorse them for QRP. They
will trust me to tell the truth about not running over 1500w (or
whatever the limit is for where the contact was made) but they will not
trust me to tell the truth about not running over 5w. Go figure. They
can not verify either case.

And they don't care if you get all the cards by working out of the sub
bands you are licensed for. Just lie and that's fine with them.

But don't expect them to trust you about not running over 5w!

OK, I feel better now! (And yes, I belong to the ARRL and I have argued
this point with Dave at Dayton last year. I still disagree with him and
always will!)

Again, no flames, just my feelings.

Now back to contesting! I'm going to plug the mic in this weekend and
see if I can really make a SSB contest qso! QRO (100w) at that!

Thanks for reading this, cul,
73,  Ron, KU7Y

NRA Life------Ex W6JXO, DL4RF, N7CRV------SOWP #5545-M
QRP ARCI #8829----NorCal #330----QRP-L #17-----ARS #49
AR QRP #150--------DM09cg---------New Washoe City,  NV

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