[CQ-Contest] qrp or /m: much ado about nothing?

Doug KR2Q DougKR2Q at aol.com
Wed Mar 4 09:25:11 EST 1998

In a message dated 98-03-04 00:34:44 EST, Dale wrote:

<< Actually, I don't care if he's in another county or country, I don't care
  if he's running 9 gazillion watts, and I don't care if it's him or not.
  I am not being asked to confirm any of that stuff.  Something came out of
  my receiver -- a call sign, a report, maybe a location, and that signal
  was readable at my QTH, on a given frequency that I KNOW, and at a time
  that I KNOW.  That's the part I'm confirming.

Okay....I've sat on my hands long enough on this one.  As a serious CONTESTER
who also happens to LOVE qrp, I feel I can add some light.

1.  As far as I know, there is NO award available that REQUIRES the designator
of QRP to "count."

2. I need 1 more for "honor roll" with qrp.  QRP is a BIG DEAL for me.  It
ADDS to MY satisfaction to see a qsl come in with QRP on it.  My qsl is
specially designed to CLEARLY indicate my qrp activity, and I do NOT mean just
having the callsign say "qrp."  There is NO DOUBT that I am a serious qrper by
ANYONE who would receive my qsl.  REQUESTING that qrp be noted on the qsl is
simply requesting the  COURTESY of adding it to the return qsl.  Again, it is
NOT required for ANY award, it is just asking for a kind, return gesture.

3. Dale, if you are HUNG UP on being asked to "verify" something you have no
knowledge of, you can do what K3ZO has done for me in the past from HS (maybe
he is still doing it, I don't know).  He simply wrote, "you claimed to be
running QRP 5 watts."  And that was GREAT!  I just desired to have something
like that on the qsl!

4. I have another qsl SPECIALLY designed for my QRPp operations at 300
milliwatts.  The qsl has 300 MILLIWATTS blasted in RED on the front of the
card.  Most guys who get that qsl not only include QRP, but add a sentence, a
paragraph, or sometimes even attach a separate letter!  NOBODY, to date, has
said,"what a jerk, you think I can confirm that?"

5.  Are you alone, Dale?  I'm sure not.  I have NEVER gotten a qsl from YASME
to included qrp...they are the only one to NOT include it.

6. As for SIGNING qrp, I NEVER make any call using "/qrp."  During a contest
where I make 1000 qso's, I might ADD qrp after the contact is established in,
at most, 5 of those contacts.  When DXing, I NEVER (99.5%) try to initiate a
qso with "/qrp."  After the contact is established, I try to ALWAYS send qrp
as part of my call, and I always tell the other guy that I am running 4 watts
or 2 watts or 300mw or whatever.

All I can say is that the VAST MAJORITY of guys/gals out there are NOT making
the assumption that QRPers are trying to get you to commit fraud.  Make
yourself some friends and do what K3ZO has done...it keeps the qrpers happy
and it keeps you "legal."

Respectfully submitted,

de Doug KR2Q

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