[CQ-Contest] Logging "QRP, or Mobile" contacts

Fred Laun K3ZO aalaun at ibm.net
Tue Mar 3 20:43:38 EST 1998

At 10:49 AM 3/3/98 -0600, K5MM wrote:
> The idea of a DX station logging a callsign as 'QRP', or 'mobile', or
> 'left-handed', or whatever may be desirable from the individual operating
> in the unusual/unique mode.  I submit that it is not possible for the
> DX operator to CONFIRM that the other operator is doing what he says he
> is doing.  
> During my years in Europe and the Middle East, I often had stations
> DEMAND that I send the a QSL card that was marked 'QRP', or 'mobile'.
> This issue is:   How in the world can I confirm that the other operator
> is operating QRP, or Mobile, is using an underground antenna, or anything
> else that he is doing?  That station is asking the DX operator to confirm
> something that is not confirmable.

I agree with Dale about QRP, though the mobile part is not so clear-cut,
since at least on SSB mobiles frequently have telltale signs such as a high
rushing noise in the background.  

With QRP stations, however, I never write "/QRP" in the call sign block on
the QSL, but just write a note in the comment portion of the card saying:
"Ur QRP FB" or some such.

For some years at Dayton I was staying at the same hotel as the QRP gang,
and they told me that QRP awards do not generally require that the call be
written with the "/QRP" added on QSLs to be credited for their awards.

73, Fred   

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