Dan L. Evans dlevans at hsonline.net
Mon Mar 9 03:55:11 EST 1998

Just wanted to publicly congratulate these guys on running top notch
stations.  I hope that they, or someone who knows them and can pass the
word, are subscribers to this list.

What did they do that's so great?  Well, aside from being my only two
contacts in this weekends contest, they managed to copy my puny signal!

They only HF station I have now is a 10 meter mobile in my car.  This 10
meter mobile puts out about 5 watts.

So these guys worked a MOBILE, QRP station and on the first call!

Thanks for the QSO's guys!

Dan, N9RLA

P.S....Anyone care to compete for "lowest" contest score????

Dan L. Evans [N9RLA]
Scottsburg, IN
72/73 from...EM78
1/2 of the N9RLA/R rover team

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