[CQ-Contest] "two contests..." etc

Eskenazi/Leveque k7ss at wolfenet.com
Mon Mar 9 07:59:57 EST 1998

It seems that I was a little ambiguous in my note about DX0DX etc:

1. DX0DX is a made up call...not meant to imply anyone in the contest, same
with      XX0XX.
2. My point is not a condemnation of either style, just an observation of what
   I heard in the ARRL SSB....which brings up the questions:

   A. Is W6XXX actually making a Q if he NEVER gives the call of the DX
      he is working? (Does this EXCHANGE qualify as a "QSO" in the contest
      definition of a QSO ??  WHAT IS A QSO?????  some have noted its just
an                            exchange of info.. even implied...  others
say a Q requires both calls be             sent... It seems acceptable
today to not have to give the DX stations call             at all.
   B. Is there an unfair advantage being taken by the 'shortcut' example in
      QSO style? ie is DX0DX timesaving exhange style OK? There are both
styles, ie 
      the shortcut, and the confirming-a-call method, going on at the same
time among
      horses in the same race.  cool or not cool?

73 K7SS

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