[CQ-Contest] Two Contests in One

Doug Richardson ve5cma at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 9 09:36:36 EST 1998

On Fri, 6 Mar 1998, Eskenazi/Leveque wrote:
 > Given all else being equal, DX0DX is going to save ALOT of time in 
 > exchange, especially over 48 hours.
 > A rather glaring inequity...?

 On Sat Mar 7 1998 Bill Fisher - W4AN wrote:
What do I do about it?  I call the station again and make him say my 
 at least one time.  If everyone did the same thing, then these guys
 wouldn't get away with this slack operating technique.

I'm a small pistol, ARRL DX SSB weekend it often took me 10 - 12 minutes 
to finally make a QSO with some running stations (hence I concentrated 
on accumulating multipliers instead of Qs alone). Anyway, I get one 
chance in 40 QSOs the running station makes, so I'm never in a position 
to challenge the QSO or correct the DX operator as to technique: I get 
only 10 seconds in the spotlight so to speak and can't hang around for 
10 more minutes hoping to get their attention again (to be no doubt told 
I'm a dupe if I get acknowledged at all). The loose call exchange is a 
problem, we just need a better way to correct it.
VE5CMA Doug Richardson
3226 Tufts Bay East
Regina SK  Canada  S4V 1V2
voice (306)789-2254
internet: ve5cma at hotmail.com
73 es TTFN de VE5CMA

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