[CQ-Contest] One way QSO better than no QSO

Bill Fisher, W4AN w4an at contesting.com
Mon Mar 9 18:53:26 EST 1998

Doug Richardson said:

>I get 
>only 10 seconds in the spotlight so to speak and can't hang around for 
>10 more minutes hoping to get their attention again (to be no doubt told 
>I'm a dupe if I get acknowledged at all). The loose call exchange is a 
>problem, we just need a better way to correct it.

So what you are saying is that it's better to log a one sided QSO than no
QSO at all.  That is, unfortunately, the attitude that perpetuates the
problem that we are discussing here.  

Nothing personal Doug... A lot of guys are obviously thinking the same way.  


Bill, W4AN

Bill Fisher, W4AN (EX KM9P)

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