[CQ-Contest] ARRL SSB- missing states

Martin Ellis jmellis at ihug.co.nz
Wed Mar 11 14:31:47 EST 1998

ARRL98 SSB Contest

Good morning,
Some states were hard to find on any band, so I was not
successful in getting a clean sweep of WAS on a single band.

Missing states from my log:

	10M	RI, VT, DC, ND
	15M	VT, DC
	20M	VT, DC, LA, ND.

Was there much activity from those states?

Merit Award
I wish to thank the following stations for 5 band contacts
on 80/40/20/15/10M in the ARRL SSB:

	*  K3LR    PA       *
	*  W9JA    WI       *
	*  W6UM    CA       *

Special mention
Special thanks to W3PP for giving contacts with Delaware
on 40M/20M/15M/10M.  In past years DE was one of the most
difficult states to find.

Anyone keen to make a DXpedition to DC next year?

Martin ZL1ANJ

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