[CQ-Contest] Frequency theft

PaulKB8N PaulKB8N at aol.com
Thu Mar 12 08:34:44 EST 1998

In a message dated 98-03-11 11:34:05 EST, w5xd at alum.mit.edu writes:

<< W9WI wrote:
 >I see ON4UN and another DX operator noted in the SSB contest something that
 >bothered me in the CW one two weeks ago.  To wit, the blatant theft of run
 >frequencies. >>

Noone really "owns" a frequency, therefore "theft" is impossible.  We all
fight within our own contest community to hold a frequency, may the best
signal win, but may courtesy be the guide.

OF MUCH GREATER CONCERN is the REAL THEFT of our frequencies from people
OUTSIDE of the amateur radio community.  I am talking about the SSB intruders
that seem to be everywhere in the CW bands.  These include drug runners,
unregulated Central and South American stations, joyriders and others who have
no regard for either the rules or the proper operation of equipment.  These
pose a greater threat to us collectively than our own members, who are at
least legitimate inhabitants of the bands.  It seems to get worse daily.

If we should want to chase anyone away, it should be the illegals.  I suggest
venting anger from contest experiences by beaming south with full power, and
chasing those bastards off OUR bands.  I'll gladly engage in a high speed CW
QSO with anyone who wants to operate right on top of these guys until they

Paul, KB8N

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