[CQ-Contest] Re: 2 letter calls / Last two style

AA4NC AA4NC at aol.com
Thu Mar 12 19:53:56 EST 1998

I believe it is a myth that a shorter call is "better" for working DX, or that
you are better off using the "last two" technique...

>From the DX operator's end, I guarantee that he will come back to a full
callsign (no matter what length) before replying to the "last 2" style of

Pileups are funny animals. It is not always the louder station that is more
easily heard (especially on phone). Remember that the DX station's goal is to
work you as quickly as possible. If you call in with a very confident, quick,
FULL callsign, you are very likely to be worked before a louder station with a
shorter call who sounds as though he might be slower. Varying the timing
slightly can make you audible over louder stations as well. Varying CW
frequency slightly can work wonders - just don't go out of the filter passband
unless the station is obviously working split. Top QRP stations are masters of
these techniques.   

As someone wrote here recently (KR2Q I think?): Loud is relative. 
Many times this past weekend at VP5NC I would work guys that I know were
running big antennas and high power, that were 20dB weaker than some dude (who
was obviously not in the contest) telling me that he was running "QRP mobile".
This happens frequently on the high bands. Propagation is very selective. Try
to use it to your advantage. 


Will AA4NC

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