[CQ-Contest] Apparent UBN MISTAKE - "NIL QSO" is in the log!
Alan Kaul W6RCL
alan.kaul at worldnet.att.net
Wed Mar 18 22:30:45 EST 1998
Read this problem as outlined by Don...
> From: Don Butler <ki3l at ix.netcom.com>
> To: alan.kaul at worldnet.att.net
> Subject: Zero Point QSO NIL
> Date: Wednesday, March 18, 1998 5:30 PM
> ......I used my club call NN5ZZ in the 97 CQWW SSB as SO/AB......during a
> fairly decent 15 meter JA run in the final minutes of the contest I was
> called by a station who signed W6RCL (2357GMT 10/26/97)....we exchanged
> reports 59/04 and 59/03 and I logged the contact........my UBN report
> W6RCL (263).....a call which apparently appeared in 263 logs available
> cross checking...... as not in log, and the QSO was removed by the CQWW
> CC.......I didn't lose any points or mults, nor was I assessed a
> penalty........so it was no big deal.......like most stations, I get a
> significant number of zero point calls during CQing runs, but I do log
> all.........the twist on this one is that I was called by W6RCL, I logged
> his call, but he apparently did not log mine....hm???...... usually the
> CQer blows it off and fails to log, not the caller....
26-Oct-97 2348 136 21.438 JF1SEK 59 25 3
26-Oct-97 2348 137 21.435 JO1YAO 59 25 3
26-Oct-97 2350 138 21.401 JA5EXW 59 25 3
26-Oct-97 2357 139 21.319 NN5ZZ 59 04 0
Totals This Page: 19 0 1 53
Please note the last QSO -- which apparently was reported to NN5ZZ on his
UBN-data-sheet as ''not in log.'' Can anyone explain why it was reported
''not in log'' when it CLEARLY IS IN THE LOG? I doubled-checked my logs at
the CQWW upload site, and the call of NN5ZZ is also on that log.
I salute the work, the efforts and the concept behind UBN checking, but I
honestly wonder if there were other
QSO's reported as NIL or other mistakes in the UBN tallies?
A lot of people have reported on this list that certain USA QSO's were not
logged. Is it possible that either some log checker tossed out
zero-point-QSO contacts? Or that the software somehow didn't log zero
point contacts UNLESS they were for new mults? Because, short of one of
those options, I do not see a lot of possible explanations.
I'm not whining, just wondering....
Alan Kaul, W6RCL, LaCanada-Flintridge, CA
alan.kaul at worldnet.att.net
w6rcl at amsat.org
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