[CQ-Contest] Re: UBN solutions USA/USA QSO's

Milt Jensen, N5IA miltj at aepnet.com
Thu Mar 19 07:38:19 EST 1998

At 03:23 AM 3/19/98 +0000, Lee Hiers, AA4GA wrote:


>I have heard other US operators say they don't log US stations in
>this contest, and I have seen other US operators actually work US
>stations and not log them.  Yes, usually it's stations that probably
>don't realize US-US Qs don't count for anything, but why assume
>that?  Why not just log everyone you work?  And I operate in
>multi-op situations a lot, so I realize that it's a PITA to work
>zero-point Qs.

>73 de Lee

In Oct '96, I did a Field Day style 160 Meter only for the CQ WW SSB 'test.
 I operated as /7 in Arizona, Zone 3, from a 10,000' high mountain top.

Before an early winter storm with snow, ice, and high winds tore down my
antennas, I was doing quite well Q wise.  Here is my meager total.

        165 Qs          10 Zones        21 Mults        2,077 points

But the telling story is that of the 165 total Qs, only 29, that's right
29, were valid for points.  I received credit for ONE country, THREE zones
and ZERO points for 83% of my Q total.

BUT, approximately 80% of the 136 non counters actually told me THANKS for
their only Zone 3 on 160 Meters.  They received credit for a Zone, a Mult,
I got a "thank you", and I logged all the Qs.   FAIR????????? 

Suffice it to say, that I will probably not do it again.  73 de Milt, N5IA

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