[CQ-Contest] K7FR UBN thoughts

Ralph Bowen rbowen at iglobal.net
Sun Mar 22 18:28:59 EST 1998

This happens more than you might think, not only in DX contsets, but in
Sweepstakes - especially on CW where many guys can't copy the code.  I
can't begin to count the times when:

1) A callsign answers my CQ  - I give the exchange, and two people reply
and give me exchanges.  After successfully copying the exhange of the
desired station, I QRS very slow and deliberately give the call of the
station I just worked, sometimes twice, "Roger" the QSO, and go QRZ. 
Guess what happens -  no one answers!!  On phone, I say "I just worked
so-and-so, but there was another station giving me a report  -  who was
the other station?  Usually, no one replies.

2)  A dupe answers my CQ -  I give the QSO B4 message.  What is the
reply?  R R  ur #76A  .......  as if he copied an exchange from ME!!!

The first scenario upsets me because I have just "worked" a station who
will never be in my log, and presumably will not call me again in the
contest because he thinks I worked him!!  In the second situation, the
guy is a QRMer to other stations calling.

Granted, in a DX contest, if the "2 reply" situation occurs, I try to
get both calls in one reply and roger both on my QRZ.  SS is a bit
tougher, as my brain is usually frazzled, and I would rather get one
clean exchange than to bust both trying to copy both!!

73,  Gator  N5RZ


D. R. Evans wrote:
> N7WA says:
> > More likely, this issue relates more towards the lack of complete IDing
> > during contest Q's. Did you REALLY work W7RM or was he working someone else
> > you couldn't hear?
> >
> This is a fair point. I see from my NIL listing that several US
> stations thought they worked me. I try to log everything, but several
> times in every contest the scenario arises where some loud station
> (presumably a W; I'm not good enough to copy a loud station and a weak
> one at the same time) thinks he's working me when actually I'm working
> the guy he's covering up.

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