[CQ-Contest] RE: shameless self-promotion

Doug KR2Q DougKR2Q at aol.com
Fri May 22 18:15:44 EDT 1998

In a message dated 98-05-22 10:02:57 EDT, Dr. Bafoof. wrote:

<< ...Now for the real serious business, what are you going to do
 with that $10 gift certificate you won for that $1500 rota roota
 ring-a-ding you won at the contest dinner?  Or that 500 mackerel
 gift certificate towards a $5000 state of the art microwave oven?
 or $25 of funny money towards some meteorological correct beam?
 My hats off to Cushcraft (Big Thunder Beam) R.F. Applications
 (P-1500 Watt Meter) and even CQ Magazine (Subsriptions) for actually
 donating prizes, rather than some shameless self-promotion offering
 a discount on a prize.
 What kind of prize is that? (Hey you, listen up, even Publishers
 Clearing House isn't that cheap!) >>

EXACTLY!  Maybe they should offer 3% finanacing?


While I'm pleased that the contest dinner is a DRAW for the vendors, this type
of stuff just is NOT "FREE STUFF" as K1AR titles it.  Don't get me wrong, a
$500 or $1000 discount is very nice...I'd sure like one...but I probably have
to SELL IT to see any sort of FREE STUFF cuz I'm NOT going to buy (another?)
amp!  Hey Dorr or Duffy...how about trying to solicit the Crowne Plaze for a
FREE WEEKEND next Dayton!  Now THAT'S a prize worth having and one which the
hotel would probly never feel!!

de Doug KR2Q

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