[CQ-Contest] Hard to get a QSL from Hong Kong - here's part of the story

E F Benson castco at roadrace.com
Tue Nov 3 19:42:34 EST 1998

At least I'm not the only one.  I believe.  Here in the States, I just got
back from excerci9sing my franchise, I voted.  So you see I believe.

My two requests for a card from back in 97 have been un-answered.  The first
was sent with two IRC's the second with Hong Kong stamps, (thanks KF9YL.)

Then one set up from there.  A friend/ham, Greg, N9GL is visiting Hong Kong
on business back in June of this year.  He contacts Brett in an attempt to
secure my card, and get this, get's a run around from Brett on the phone but
ask Greg to relay to me a that the card would be coming.

Now what makes this matter even worse... this past contest season I hear
Brett, VR98BG on the bands, work em and GET THIS HE RECOGNIZES MY CALL AND

Says the cards will be out soon.  So the point.  Let's all wait, and worse
case, announce what the facts are to those interested in confirming their
contact with this superstation in The Far East.

Good listening, Hunting and DX, 73,

E F Todd Benson, W9YK
Elmhurst, IL

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