[CQ-Contest] Unusual contest behavior

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Tue Nov 3 12:43:24 EST 1998

On Tue, 3 Nov 1998, vk3ajj wrote:

> Dear Reflectees,
> It is always interesting to read the various anecdotes / analyses that are
> posted to this reflector after the CQWW test.
> The big question to flow from the test for me this year is how vr98bg
> continues to generate such big pile-ups / test scores.
> I have seen various posts concerning this guy's qsling practices (most
> complaining) with some contestors claiming that vr98bg is very busy with
> work and family to catch-up on his qsls?? My view on this issue is simple -
> if you are to busy to qsl you can (i) get yourself a qsl manager (ii)
> publicise to the dx / contest community that you do not qsl or (iii) do
> less contests and utilise the time freed up to answer your cards. In my
> view it is not fair to those who send money / ircs in good faith to answer
> vr97bg cards when you are vr99bg!!!

There are probably contesters out there who have Hong Kong confirmed on a 
dozen bands and just want the mult in the contest and don't particularly 
care about cards.

It's too bad for those of us who have worked this station as our only VR2 
QSO. I keep hoping he will return a card.

73, Zack W9SZ

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