[CQ-Contest] Unusual contest behavior

Martin Durham wt1s at top.monad.net
Wed Nov 4 20:36:57 EST 1998

In the case of an SASE/IRC/'Greenstamp' you are correct...there is no
excuse.  But as for courtesy....hmmm....yes when hams used to spend
time actually talking to each other I would agree that the QSL was
'the final courtesy' to completing the contact....I don't think that
is the case when your QSO consists of 5905 QRZ'd!!!!  

Maybe...what we should do is QSL in advance...thanking all the
prospective contacts for 'looking for us' in the contest.

Marty, W1MD

>attitude that you exhibit and share with many others, IMHO, is
>"selfish and uncaring"!!  Those 2 or 3 hundred QSL cards, just
>in case you have forgotten, represent an "equal" number of contacts,
>which if removed from your total, would greatly reduce your score.
>I you have not learned it by now, you should know that if you only
>work those that are "in the contest", you will not score well either.
>Personally, I answer all QSL requests, regardless of how they were
>requested.  I would like to think that those QSL cards could make
>the difference in whether or not I get a contact from those stations
>the next time they hear me, and IMHO. it is also a "courtesy", something
>that is "severly missing" these days.  I also fail to understand how "we"
>and spend $K's and countless hours building and making "our" station
>as competetive as possible, then "complain" about the meager amount
>of time and $, relatively speaking, necessary to return a QSL card,
>especially when it is accompanied with an SASE and "return postage"!!
>Shelby - K4WW

Martin Durham
wt1s at monad.net

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