[CQ-Contest] Section Mlts

Barry Kutner w2up at mindspring.com
Wed Nov 11 13:37:14 EST 1998

On 10 Nov 98,, Rex J Maner <k7qq at juno.com> wrote:

> Maybe I'm all fowled up but when did
> PQ for  Quebec  become QC  , both VE2 stations I worked gave the QC and 
> NA is set for that section, but  why the change??
>                                       Quack

One of our VE friends probably knows more details, but I recall 
reading about a year ago that they changed the postal code from PQ 
to QC. Makes sense, doesn't it? There's no P in Quebec, it stood for 
Province. If Ontario did the same, they wouldn't be happy, they 
would be PO'd :.)
73 Barry
Barry Kutner, W2UP              Internet: w2up at mindspring.com
Newtown, PA         FRC         alternate: barry at w2up.wells.com

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