[CQ-Contest] Score Reduction Penalties Are Good Policy

Lee Hiers, AA4GA aa4ga at contesting.com
Fri Nov 13 23:29:24 EST 1998

On 12 Nov 98, Norton, Richard wrote:

> It is poor policy to give the rare, running-station the slightest
> incentive not to log the calls correctly. 

But zero-point QSOs do not give the running-station any incentive to
actually log the QSO.  If it is a multiplier for the calling station
but just another zero-point QSO for the runner and the runner
chooses not to log the QSO why is it good policy for the caller to be 
penalized and not the runner?

What incentive does the runner have to log zero-point QSOs?

> Get the message?


Lee Hiers - AA4GA
Cornelia, GA
mailto:aa4ga at contesting.com   

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