[CQ-Contest] CW speed - send vs. copy

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Tue Nov 17 13:21:21 EST 1998

At 12:29 PM 11/17/98 -0500, Gerry Hull wrote:
>Here's my 2c on the CW send-receive issue:
>1.  While calling CQ, I send fast, as fast as possible.   My typical
>    CQ speed ranged from 33 - 38 wpm.  In past SS', I've had stations
>    come back and say QRS.  I did'nt have a single station do this
>    in SS this year, and their were plenty calling. 

Hmmm -- it's true, I had nobody say QRS, but I had lots of folks come back
at 10-15 WPM under my speed, and it seemed only prudent to match their
speed.  I also found, as in past SSes, that often QRSing produced responses
where CQing at 29-32 WPM didn't, particularly on Sunday and during peak
times for casual ops. 

73,  Pete N4ZR
Loud is good

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