[CQ-Contest] CQ Zone boundary definition?

Bill Aycock baycock at hiwaay.net
Sat Oct 24 20:20:20 EDT 1998

The question of the zone boundary between CQ zones 4 and 5 came to my
attention today. None of the maps I have define the line well enough for me
to be sure. My Grid square is EM64vr, and I am just west of the Alabama-
Georgia line and just south of the Tennessee line.

Does anyone have a URL that I can go to to see?

Thanks- Bill- W4BSG

Bill Aycock   ---   Persimmon Hill 
 Woodville, Alabama, US 35776
 (in the N.E. corner of the State)
      W4BSG   --   Grid EM64vr
        baycock at HiWAAY.net

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