[CQ-Contest] More FOUR HOUR FUN sessions

TOMK5RC at aol.com TOMK5RC at aol.com
Tue Sep 8 10:36:38 EDT 1998

In a message dated 9/8/98 8:13:58 AM Central Daylight Time, k7ss at wolfenet.com

 I think the bimonthly sprint is a great idea.
  who? how? when?

The "who" then becomes; Who will check the logs and prepare the results?
The "how" is; How will we find page space in the NCJ to print results in
nearly every issue?

I'm sure the already overworked volunteers are cringing at this thread. To
make it more of an issue, the Sprint logs are closely scrutinized, requiring
lots of concentration on the part of the log checkers.

Great idea, but, perhaps not practical unless we add log checking to our
consulting business. Yea, that's the ticket! Paid log checkers ... the wave of
the future!

Tom Taormina, K5RC/K7GJ
Virginia City, NV

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