[CQ-Contest] Re: Indiana QSO Party

Bob kf9yh at netnitco.net
Wed Apr 14 08:43:08 EDT 1999

Once again the Land of Lakes ARC will host the Indiana QSO
Party may 8th 1800Z to May 9th 2300Z.  CATEGORIES:  Single
Operator, Multi-Operator, Club StationVHF-UHF.  MODES:  CW &

All stations may be worked once per mode on each band.
Mobiles may be worked once per mode per Indiana county that
they operate from.

No repeater QSO'S.

EXCHANGE:  Indiana stations--Signal report and County.  Non-
Indiana stations send--Signal report, State, Province, or

SCORING:  phone contacts count 2 QSO points, all other modes
count 3 QSO points.

Indiana stations multiply QSO points by total of Indiana
Counties+States+Provinces+Countries worked.  Non-Indiana
stations multiply the total QSO points by the number of
Indiana Counties worked.

CW:  1810, 3539, 3739, 7035, 7115, 14045, 21045, 21120,
28045, 28120, 6m cw, 2m cw 432 cw.

PHONE:  1860, 3890, 7280, 14285, 21 385, 28400, 50.14,
144.215, 432.120.

AWARDS:  Certificates will be awarded for First and Second
place in each category, State, Province, and Country.  A
participation award will be issued to every station making
20 Indiana contacts.

Send logs with SASE to

Sharon Brown, 905 W. Parkway Dr., Pleasant Lk, In.  46779.

You may submit logs via e-mail to sharon.l.brown at gte.net.
Logs must be received by June 11, 1999

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Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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