[CQ-Contest] new CQWW CD...WOW!

Scott Neader KA9FOX ka9fox at QTH.com
Sun Apr 18 11:53:56 EDT 1999

>As far as I'm concerned, this is a MUST for EVERY contester.  And NO, I
>get any money from it (for that price, they can't take in much anyway) ...I 
>just LOVE it and wanted to let everyone know!  THANKS Bob!
>de Doug KR2Q

The only thing missing from this raving review is where to get it! :-)

Champion Radio has them on their web site for $25 + shipping:

http://www.championradio.com (click on 'publications')

73 - Scott KA9FOX
INTERNET SOLUTIONS - Affordable web page design and hosting
Scott Neader (608)788-1234 / FAX (608)787-0100 / KA9FOX at QTH.com
3323 South 29th Street, La Crosse, WI  54601   / ICQ 12151451
Free Ham Radio Classified Ads:  http://www.QTH.com/Classifieds
KA9FOX Contesting & DXing Site: http://www.QTH.com/KA9FOX
Internet Solutions Home Page:   http://www.QTH.com/is

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

>From k0il at arrl.net" <k0il at arrl.net  Sun Apr 18 18:27:12 1999
From: k0il at arrl.net" <k0il at arrl.net (Ed - K0iL)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 12:27:12 -0500
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Nebraska QSO Party Announcement
Message-ID: <01BE8996.E080F500.k0il at mitec.net>


                                     The 1999

                            Nebraska QSO Party

          Sponsored by the Nebraska QSO Party Group.

Join in on a really fun and laid back QSO Party!  This is our 4th year, and 
we've nearly doubled participation each year!  Nebraskans are not typically 
contester types so don't be surprised by an occasional rag-chew during the 
contest.  After all it is a "QSO" Party, right?  We've got some nice 
certificates and very nice plaques for your shack wall.  This year we've 
again added bonus points for Nebraska stations who go mobile or portable to 
entice activity from "rare" Nebraska counties.  We are yet to have entries 
from all 50 states so just send in your log and win your state.  It's that 

From:  1700Z  24-April-1999
Until:   1700Z  25-April-1999

Stns outside Nebraska work as many Nebraska stns and Nebraska
 Counties as possible.
Stns in Nebraska work everyone.

Entry classes: Single op, Multi-single, Mobile, and Novice/Tech.
                      Club competition (3 logs minimum).

Exchange: RS(T) and state, province, or DX Country.
                Nebraska stations send RS(T) & your county.

Total score is Number of QSO points multiplied by the number of
 Multipliers plus any Bonus points.
Stns may be worked once on CW & once on Phone per band.
Each non-duplicate Phone QSO is one point.
Each non-duplicate CW/digital QSO is two points.
NE mobiles add 50 Bonus pts for each county operated from.
NE portables add 100 Bonus pts for operating from other than
 your resident county.
NE mobiles who change counties may be worked again for point
 and multiplier credit.
NE mobiles operating on county lines may be counted as only
 one QSO.
All contact must be simplex.
All CW contacts must be in CW sub-band (except 160mtrs).
MCW not permitted.

Non-Nebraska stns use number of counties worked (93 max).
Nebraska stns use US states (50) plus VE provinces (8) plus DX (max 35) for 
total of 93 maximum.

160-10 meters (Non-WARC bands), and 6 & 2 meters

Suggested Freqs:
CW -- 1.805 MHz and 60Khz up from band edge (+/- 10 Khz)
Phone -- 1.865, 3.860, 7.260, 14.260, 21.360, 28.360, 50.260,
              146.46 MHz (+/-20KHz)
Nov/Tech--10 Khz up from lower edge and 28.360 MHz

Five Plaques -- winner in Nebraska, US (Non-NE), DX, &
 Nov/Tech.  Note: Minimum of 3 entries in a category are required
 in order for a plaque to be awarded.
Certificates for winners of each NE County, US State, VE province,
 & DX Country.

Club Competition:
Entry requires minimum of three entries with club name on logs.

Logs & signed summary sheets must be postmarked no later than
 May 31st, 1999.
Logs may be submitted on 3-1/2 or 5-1/4 disk in lieu of paper logs.
 (No 2.88M disks)
Diskettes must be IBM format.
E-logs must be in an ASCII file following ARRL's std file format.
Label each diskette with call sign, entry category & your
A signed hard copy summary sheet is required with all entries.
Enclose #10 SASE with entry for final contest results sheet.

Send entries or request for rules/summary/log sheets (SASE pse)
 to:  Nebraska QSO Party
      P.O. Box 375
      Elkhorn, NE 68022-0375

Hope to hear you in the QSO Party!

de ed
-.-.  --.-   ....  .-  --  ...   -..  .   -.-  -----  ..  .-..   -.-
           Ed Edwards    --    K0iL
 PO Box 375                        k0il at arrl.net
 Elkhorn, NE 68022-0375       k0il at qsl.net
 496-3415 home   552-5425 work   552-5505 fax
 Visit my home page:  http://www.qsl.net/k0il
--... ...--   . ...   --. .-..   - ---   ..-   --- --   ...-.-   . .

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

>From Jim White, K4OJ" <k4oj at tampabay.rr.com  Mon Apr 19 05:33:55 1999
From: Jim White, K4OJ" <k4oj at tampabay.rr.com (Jim White, K4OJ)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 00:33:55 -0400
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Busy this weekend...next?
Message-ID: <005401be8a1d$d89e72e0$68cb5c18 at tampabay.rr.com>

Dunno about y'all but I did a lot of wrench twisting this weekend...some
soldering, too!  Getting my mobile and portable antennas ready for next

Next weekend I will be mobiling with Kevin, KS9O during the Floirda QSO
Party.  Along with the assistance of W1CW we prepped some tower, some
antennas and my truck....

Like many other mobile teams we will be helping to activate as many (barring
fires!) of Florida's 67 counties as possible.

In an earlier posting I had said there were 10,00 QSOs made in the FQP by
Floridian stations last year...I was wrong...logchequer extraordinaire K1TO
tells me it was over 20,000.  That was in the first year of the sponsorship
of the FQP by the Florida Contest Group. We want more QSOs this year..and we
hope many of you will oblige us!

Many of you have tricolor certificates and plaques from last years premier
of the new FQP...we have made some minor changes since last year thanks to
many of the comments YOU gave after last years contest.

Among the changes are dropping of the 80 meter band due to inability of
mobile teams to put out a decent signal on those bands...and we have changed
the hours so that we have ten basically daylight hours on both days for 10 -
40 meter operating.

For full details on the FQP please check the FQP website authored by WD4AHZ.
It is an excellent resource for not only the rules, but records which we
know you want to break - and even the proposed itineraries of the mobile
teams!  Florida hams have checked in and given commitments as to what
counties they will be activating - USE THE CHART ON THE WEBSITE TO PLOT YOUR

I hope you will join us this year...it is after all a PARTY, and believe you
me...us Floridians now how to do that!  Florida stations will be very active
and looking for you non-Floridians to keep us busy!

Jim, K4OJ
k4oj at tampabay.rr.com


the Florida QSO Party 1999 - April 24 & 25...don't miss it!

The Florida Contest Group sponsors the Florida QSO Party, check out the FQP

Proud member of the Florida Contest Group - visit our website at:

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

More information about the CQ-Contest mailing list