[CQ-Contest] Box Elder County Utah QSO Party

k1dg at ix.netcom.com k1dg at ix.netcom.com
Thu Apr 22 20:21:56 EDT 1999

Any resemblance between this fine new event and the Real Poisson d'Avril 
Contest (tm) is either purely coincidental or the basis for a really good 
lawsuit. Imitation is the sincerest form of litigation encouragement.

I plan to enter the BECUQP in the single-op, internet-packet-assisted 
PaSKin-Robbins 31 flavors category, and promise I will not even once listen 
to the receiver audio. Especially if I am using a narrower filter than the 
other guys in my second radio, which is a TS850 or used FT1000D.

And I will submit my log electronically via the auxiliary backup redundant 
ARRL 10M log alternate failsafe acknowledgment server. I will delete the 0-
point QSOs first, though.

Been busy the past few nights, and just caught up with the threads of the 
whole week...I feel much better now. 

Doug K1DG

p.s. For Imus/Warner Wolf fans...if you entered the Poisson d'Avril Contest 
this year and had any number of QSOs...YOU LOST!!!

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

>From Jim White, K4OJ" <k4oj at tampabay.rr.com  Fri Apr 23 04:41:24 1999
From: Jim White, K4OJ" <k4oj at tampabay.rr.com (Jim White, K4OJ)
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 23:41:24 -0400
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Time is upon us!
Message-ID: <003501be8d3b$2b9f4e40$68cb5c18 at tampabay.rr.com>

Heah all you guys wondering what to do this weekend, take a break from the
honey-do's (gals take a break from the husby-do's) and join the hams from
the state of Florida as they participate in the next great QSO Party, the

To make a Florida QSO Party QSO is easy, it is a simple exchange:

We Floridian stations send RS(T) and county, a three letter abbreviation for
the county will be sent on CW.

(i.e. W1CW in Hillsborough county, FL sends 5NN HIL)

W/VE stations (including KH6/KL7) send signal report and state or province.

(i.e. WA3HAE sends 59(9) PA)

DX stations (including KH2/KP4, etc.) send signal report and DX

(i.e. LY3BA 59(9) DX)

.....easy, huh?

What bands do I operate, and where do I look for Florida stations?

FQP is 10 through 40 meters.....you can work a station once on each
band-mode....so, mobiles can be worked up to 8 times (4 bands times 2 modes)
in each county they go through.

Suggested frequencies: CW - plus or minus 35 khz up, and plus or minus 10
khz up for Novices/Technicians. Phone - plus or minus 7.260, 14.260, 21.335,
and 28.485 MHz. Look for SSB activity on the hour and CW on the half hour.
Fixed stations are urged to call CQ above/below these suggested frequencies
to keep them clear for low power mobile operations.

When is the FQP?

There are two operating periods. 1600Z 24 April - 0159Z 25 April and 1200Z -
2159Z 25 April. 20 hours total. All stations may operate the full 20 hours

Full rules for the FQP are in all the major ham radio publications, and also
on the excellent FQP website listed below....we Floridians hope you will be
keeping us busy this weekend....barring Murphy and fires our goal is to
activate as many of the 67 counties this weekend as possible....

Join us, won't you?  That's phone on the hour and cw on the half....although
you do not have to operate both modes, those stations that do will try and
follow this rhythm.



Jim, K4OJ
k4oj at tampabay.rr.com


the Florida QSO Party 1999 - April 24 & 25...don't miss it!

The Florida Contest Group sponsors the Florida QSO Party, check out the FQP

Proud member of the Florida Contest Group - visit our website at:

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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