[CQ-Contest] Oregon QSO party

Milt Jensen, N5IA miltj at aepnet.com
Fri Apr 30 07:47:14 EDT 1999

At 09:58 PM 4/29/99 -0700, Dick Frey wrote:

>No, I don't think we will have all 36 counties on the air, but I will be
in the rarest one: Harney
>county, either on the Lake/Harney or Klamath/Harney line.  The former is
the most remote spot in
>the lower 48 --  as defined by being the farthest distance from the
interstate highway system.

Interesting Dick,
        I looked at my venerable Rand-McNalley and it appears that the
county road crossing the Lake/Harnery county line approximately 33 miles
north of the Oregon/Nevada state line is the location you refer to.  It
appears to be approximately equidistant 174 airline miles from I-84 at
Nampa, Idaho and I-5 at Ashland, Oregon.
        However, I am unable to find a common line for Harnery and Klamath
Counties.  Lake County is between them.  Perhaps your 2nd reference was to
        Good luck on the outing.  Should be lots of fun.  I am fully aware
of the wide open spaces and great distances as the size of the state and
the county count is quite similar here in New Mexico.

                                                73 de Milt, N5IA 

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