[CQ-Contest] Oregon QSO party

Dick Frey k4xu at coinet.com
Thu Apr 29 22:58:00 EDT 1999

Oregon State QSO Party:   1400Z, May 8 - 0400Z, May 9
That's the ten hours of daylight on the Saturday before Mother's day.  For rules see
No, I don't think we will have all 36 counties on the air, but I will be in the rarest one: Harney
county, either on the Lake/Harney or Klamath/Harney line.  The former is the most remote spot in
the lower 48 --  as defined by being the farthest distance from the interstate highway system.

Dick Frey   K4XU/7 or K7SSS    k4xu at contesting.com

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